Facial Acupuncture

In TCM, acupoints on the face and body are linked by channels called meridians which are in turn linked to internal organs and by stimulating selected acupoints, it elicits a wide-ranging effect on the body.

Facial and body acupuncture aims to improve the body’s constitution as a whole, and to adjust the internal environment in the body so that it reflects as good skin health. Typically it treats other health issues that are present.

Skin health is a mirror to our internal health conditions:

From TCM’s point of view, one’s appearance reflects the state of body health. For example, dark eye circles/eye bags can be due to kidney deficiency, dampness due to spleen deficiency, or blood stasis within the body. Dark spots on face can be due to stagnation of Qi and blood, or deficiencies in Spleen and Kidney. Therefore TCM aims to treat these underlying conditions using herbs and acupuncture, which in turn improves skin complexion.

Benefits of facial acupuncture:

Safe, no side effects other than occasional bruising which goes away within a week. Through stimulation of acupoints on the face as well as related acupoints on the body using fine needles, it aims to promote blood circulation for better skin radiance and removal of fine lines, as well as adjust imbalances in the body. Can be used to treat a wide variety of skin conditions or beauty issues, including skin pigmentation, acne, wrinkles, dull skin, puffy face/eye bags, dark eye circles. The acupuncture needles used are extremely fine, suitable even on the delicate skin of the face.

Eu Yan Sang Facial Acupuncture treatment plan:

Facial acupuncture takes a few sessions to start seeing effects. A suggested treatment plan would be 12 sessions, 1 to 2 times a week. However once it has achieved its intended effects, the effects are long-lasting with appropriate skin and health care of the patient. Probably minor follow-ups are needed every few months.

Herbal medication would complement facial acupuncture well. It boosts the effects of facial acupuncture and helps to treat any underlying conditions that may be causing poor skin health.

Points to note:

Facial acupuncture is contraindicated in the case of skin infection, open wounds, tumours, bleeding disorders, pregnancy, serious health conditions or suffering from acute disease. In the case of severe acne, acupuncture will be mainly focused on the body acupoints rather than on the face.

*Eu Yan Sang Facial acupuncture service is available by selected physician on selected days at the clinics. Please call the clinic to check availability and to book appointment.


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